No Guts. No Glory

And he's certainly got a lot of them.

Vitamin B-6 originals

I have just finished work on 2 original 'Vitamin B-6s'
(top image)
VITAMIN B-6 on dark grey
Acrylic, ink and spray paint on 220gsm Fabriano paper
(bottom image)
VITAMIN B-6 on light brown
Acrylic, ink and spray paint on 300gsm cartridge paper

A bit of seaside candy

Thought of this idea the other day and just had to share it.

Send more post

I love getting post - not bills or crappy direct mail - but nice cards with a real written message. Thought that my Chin Up poster would be cool as a set of cards - send one at a time to a friend and by the time they get all 6, they'll either think you're a stalker or be cheered up no end.