
I have just finished work on my Dino-bird series and they make me laugh. I love the weird play on the scale - they have the grace and agility of birds but the menacing attitude of a dinosaur. I also like the whole evolution aspect of it all.






Butterfly Bones

I have always been into anatomical drawings and charts and have been known to have a rummage for them in flea markets - I love their matter-of-factness. I saw an anatomical poster of a chicken in a shop window one day and it set me off in this direction. I wanted to use this image of a hip bone and make it beautiful - hence the butterfly.


I loved all things supernatural when I was a kid and I used to stare at these pictures of ectoplasm for hours.  Ectoplasm is supposedly a physical substance that manifests as a result of spiritual energy or physic phenomenon. I think I just ignored the creative use of muslin and just loved how creepy and sad they were (today they make me feel incredibly thirsty). 

I have just finished 'Sweet As' and I can't stop using these built up coloured shapes. I love them, as they feel both floral and floaty but also quite medicinal and intestinal. I wanted 'Sweet As' to be dark and Victorian - the head band inspired the title. Funny how some images get stuck in your head.