One Fine Day

Another print in my hat series. Today it is raining and miserable, but somewhere else it is all sun, sand and surf.

Vitamin B-6

Another print in my hat series. I love how statically stoic he is. You don't know if he is going to break formation or break into a rendition of "I will survive." I like the idea of impending speed.

Chappy Original

Have just finished work on an original 'Chappy'. I tweaked his mouth so he was a little more pert - it makes him feel more surprised.
Acrylic, enamel, ink and spray paint on 10mm polyboard.

Working it 9 to 5

I am really enjoying working on paper at the moment and this is my largest piece yet. Have just put the finishing touches on it - and baby, she's working it!
Acrylic, enamel, ink and spray paint on 350gsm paper.


Have added another print to my hat series.Will soon be starting work on this in the studio, getting some paint down and giving it another vibe. Have since finished and framed an original 'Tippity top', so will upload that shortly.


Thought I had better get into the Halloween spirit. This is another print in my hat series and of course it is based on Freddy Kruger. He scared the shit out of me when I was a kid, so I gave him great big Leigh Bowery lips and a fancy corsage, just to take the edge off of him.

The Mad Hatter

Acrylic, enamel, ink, pen, digital proof and spray paint on 200gsm cartridge paper
297mm x 420mm

Paul the 1st

Acrylic, enamel, ink and spraypaint on 300gsm cartridge paper
44cm x 64cm

Gavin the 1st

Acrylic, ink and spraypaint on 300gsm cartridge paper
38cm x 56cm

New painting

Acrylic, enamel, ink and spraypaint on canvas
76cm x 122cm

Tippity top

Have been inspired recently by hats. I love their chameleon-like nature - I look shit in them, so this not me.

This is the first in a series. More to come later.


Not much more can be said really.

An original Greg

Acrylic, ink, marker and spray paint on mount board

Studio (August 09)

I was in the middle of a paint mixing frenzy and saw a little friend looking at me.

New works on paper

I have been quiet on the blog front as I've been busy getting my hands dirty in the studio. I have been doing a lot of work on paper. I used 'Let's talk about it' as a test to see how the paper holds up to various materials. I love how it has turned out.


I have just finished work on my Dino-bird series and they make me laugh. I love the weird play on the scale - they have the grace and agility of birds but the menacing attitude of a dinosaur. I also like the whole evolution aspect of it all.






Butterfly Bones

I have always been into anatomical drawings and charts and have been known to have a rummage for them in flea markets - I love their matter-of-factness. I saw an anatomical poster of a chicken in a shop window one day and it set me off in this direction. I wanted to use this image of a hip bone and make it beautiful - hence the butterfly.


I loved all things supernatural when I was a kid and I used to stare at these pictures of ectoplasm for hours.  Ectoplasm is supposedly a physical substance that manifests as a result of spiritual energy or physic phenomenon. I think I just ignored the creative use of muslin and just loved how creepy and sad they were (today they make me feel incredibly thirsty). 

I have just finished 'Sweet As' and I can't stop using these built up coloured shapes. I love them, as they feel both floral and floaty but also quite medicinal and intestinal. I wanted 'Sweet As' to be dark and Victorian - the head band inspired the title. Funny how some images get stuck in your head.

It'll be all white!

An arctic blast comes to Hove and the country grinds to a halt.